Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Can i replace vegetable stock for chicken stock in the cream of mushroom soup?

Also can u please tell me how to prepare vegetable stock?

Can i put brocilli stalks and other unedible parts of vegetable in a stock?Can i replace vegetable stock for chicken stock in the cream of mushroom soup?
Yes, you can switch the stocks.

To make veggie stock simply pile in a bunch of vegetables in a pot (coarsely chopped), cover with water and simmer until the vegetables are limp and the broth looks like stock. You can make a rich stock by roasting the veggies first under the broiler of you oven. Get them nice and brown, then make your stock. Strain all the veggies out and use like any other stock. Good Luck.Can i replace vegetable stock for chicken stock in the cream of mushroom soup?
Yes i would put all in the pot. just make sure you drain with a chessecloth and you can replace veggie stock with chk stock
yes u can.

heres how to make vegetable stock...

3 med. carrots, chopped

3 stalks celery, chopped

2 med. onions, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 med. potato, diced

1 bell pepper, diced (optional)

12 c. water

Pepper to taste

Herbs to taste

Combine all ingredients in large soup pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until vegetables are tender (about 1 hour). Remove from heat. Cool and strain. Use liquid as base for vegetable soup or for recipes calling for broth or stock.
yes you can.

in a large pot of water throw in salt, peppercorns, celery, carrots, onions, broccoli stalks, leeks, asparagus stalks, and any other vegetable stalks you can gather up. bring it to a boil on low heat and simmer for a couple hours.
yes, you can, you can use whatever you want in your stock, carrots, celery, onion are musts, they also have veggie stock in the store right with chic, or beef stock
Most vegetables have all edible parts so yes you can
easiest way is to buy veggie stock in the store but heres the recipe for veggie stock
I make homemade veggie stock all the time, and I almost always use stems, ends, roots, etc...all that stuff you normally cut off and throw away...I learned it from my ex, who was a chef at a very hoity-toity restaurant. I even throw in onion skins - it gives it a beautiful color!

Just simmer everything for an hour or more- veggie parts, herbs, garlic, whatever you'd like %26amp; then just strain it when it's done!!

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